Other coastal villages

The villages that dot the Amalfi Coast, set on the mountains that drop steeply to the sea, or villages that have sprung up on the seashore of the Gulf of Salerno, are numerous and all exceptional. 


A very picturesque small coastal village, it is renowned for its colatura di alici. It can be reached by public boat service.


A village known as the city of wine, the lower part of the village is home to the famous Fiordo di Furore, which can be easily reached by bus.


The smallest village by size in all of Italy, it is within easy walking distance of Amalfi. In the main square stands the Church of San Salvatore (mid-10th cent.) where the doges of the Amalfi Republic were invested in office in a lavish ceremony.

Conca dei Marini

A village renowned for the Sfogliatella di Santa Rosa puff pastry, it has several beaches with restaurants and the Emerald Grotto, accessible by public boat service to the beaches.


The oldest village on the Coast, it features several churches and monuments.
It is located on the opposite hill from Ravello and can only be reached by land, bus, and car.